to our Christian Science church here in San Francisco. Our church is a branch of The Mother Church in Boston, MA founded by Mary Baker Eddy to commemorate the words and works of Christ Jesus. We offer many resources for your spiritual journey.
Who is Mary Baker Eddy?
She is the discover and founder of Christian Science and the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, the text book of Christian Science.
Church Services (in person and online)
10 AM to 11 AM
Our Sunday Service
is based on a weekly Bible Lesson subject with selections from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This lesson is read in every Christian Science church throughout the world.
We would love to welcome you in person or click here to join online: Enter meeting ID: 879 4090 9767 and password: 684054. To join by phone: +1 669 900 6833
is available at Whole Foods for all of our services. Parking attendants are on duty in Whole Foods lower parking garage near the Franklin street entrance to assist you.
Sunday School (in person)
10 AM to 11 AM
up to the age of 20 are warmly invited to our Sunday School. Early focus on the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount helps guide thought to basic Christian living and healing. Older students learn how to apply scientific prayer to everyday problems.
If you are interested in attending our online Sunday School please contact us at [email protected].
Wednesday Meetings (in person and online)
7:30 to 8:30 PM
Come and hear testimonies
from people applying the healing truths from the Bible and Christian Science teachings to all aspects of their lives. The meetings begin with readings from the Scriptures and the Christian Science textbook.
Click here to join online: Enter meeting ID: 109 936 019 and password: 764654. To join by phone: +1 669 900 6833
“I, Mary Baker Eddy,
ordain the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Pastor over The Mother Church …and they will continue to preach for this Church and the world” (Manual of The Mother Church). “As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life” (First Tenet of The Mother Church). Mary Baker Eddy is the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science. She is the author of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures – the book that contains the full statement of Christian Science.
“As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life.”
Practitioners, Teachers and CS Nurses
Christian Science Practitioners and Teachers
are experienced healers who devote their full time to the healing ministry. Christian Science Practitioners are available to the public to heal through prayer-based treatment as explained in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Practitioners and Teachers are enjoined by a Church Manual By-Law to “hold in sacred confidence all private communications made to them by their patients; also such information as may come to them by reason of practitioner to patient.” Click here for a worldwide Directory. You may also consult the listings at the back of each issue of the Christian Science Journal, available at our Reading Room. A Christian Science nurse is trained to provide skilled, non-medical care in meeting the physical needs of a patient who is working with a Christian Science practitioner.
What is a Christian Science Practitioner?
An individual available to the public, who heals through prayer-based treatment as explained in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Reading Room
at 1643 Polk Street has reopened with some changes in compliance with City guidelines. You may purchase Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, available in many languages, as well as other literature published by The Christian Science Publishing Society. A librarian is on duty to facilitate your search.THE Reading Room
Find spiritual resources that meet your needs. Find inspiration in the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Explore the King James Bible and other translations. Expand world views via The Christian Science Monitor. Hear lectures and Sentinel Radio broadcasts. Rejoice with others’ published testimonies of healing. Discover fascinating details in biographical accounts.
Please see the following online sites to access free articles and comforting audio interviews.
The Jointly Maintained READING ROOM at SFO
is located in Terminal 2 of San Francisco International Airport and is open 8 AM to 6 PM, 365 days a year. Come in to ask questions and browse our stock. To learn more visit csreadingroom-sfo.org.
1643 Polk Street (between Sacramento and Clay Streets)
San Francisco CA 94109
Tel 415.673.0532
Email: [email protected]
Tuesday and Saturday 10-1 PM
Closed on Holidays
Up to 2 hours free parking with validation
1776 Sacramento Street (around the corner between Polk Street and Van Ness Avenue)
“This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you.”
Outreach Activities
In addition to the print version, the Weekly Bible lesson is available to the community and can be accessed by phone or with a subscription on the Internet:
Web: visit christianscience.com/publications-and-activities/bible-lessons
First Church provides volunteers to read the Lesson Sermon in the jails for the Christian Science Committee for Institutional Work in San Francisco County. Christian Science Chaplains visit the jail to meet one-on-one with inmates when requested. More information can be found on the Internet:
Web: visit lightinprison.org

First Church of Christ, Scientist
, San Francisco, a branch of The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts, was officially formed in 1895. Sue Ella Bradshaw, a Christian Science teacher and healer, was the initiator of the establishment of the Christian Science church in California. The first public service was held in 1891 in Beethoven Hall at 336 Post Street in San Francisco… read more
“The great structure stands, silently but eloquently beckoning us on towards a higher and more spiritual plane of living.”
To learn more
about Christian Science visit ChristianScience.com.
The First Church of Christ, Scientist publishes several periodicals including the Sentinel, Journal, and Herald to aid in the study of the Bible and Christian Science. They also include testimonies of healing resulting from the prayerful application of Christian Science.
The Pulitzer prize winning newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor provides daily unbiased perspective on world events.
1700 Franklin Street (at California St)
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel 415.673.3544
[email protected]
Church parking at Whole Foods for all of our services. Parking attendants will be on duty in Whole Foods lower parking garage near the Franklin street entrance to assist you.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
1700 Franklin Street (at California St)
San Francisco, CA 94109